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Spots & Shops

仲松商事 ここに行くたびにいつもまるで戦場のように働く人々を見るようになる。 Every time I go to this place, I always see people who work like a battlefield. 이 곳을 갈 때마다 언제나 마치 전쟁터와 같이 일하는 사람들을 보게 된다. 每次去這個地方,總能看到像戰場一樣工作的人們。by KozaWalker more
泡瀬港 日曜日、閑静な泡瀬港を散歩してみる。 空の雲と調和する風景が魅力的に感じられる。 Take a walk through the quiet Awase harbor on Sunday. The scenery harmonizing with the clouds in the sky is attractive. 일요일 한적한 아와세 항구를 산책해 본다. 하늘의 구름과 어우러지는 풍경이 매력적으로 느껴진다. 禮拜天,在幽靜的泡瀬港口散步。 和天空的雲彩融合在一起的風景非常有魅力。by KozaWalker more
トントンハウス 物事を通じて楽しさを感じることができる所があるとすれば、まさにここだという気がする。 昔ながらの物からクリエイティブに生まれ変わる素材あふれるこの店の姿は、まるで秘めた宝庫の中から宝を探し出すような楽しみがある。 If there is a place where you can have fun through things, I think this is the place. The store, which is full of time-honored items and materials that will be reborn creatively, is as fun as finding treasure in a hidden treasure chest. 사물을 통해 재미를 느낄 수 있는 곳이 있다면 바로 이곳이란 생각이 든다. 세월을 간직한 물건 부.. more
パナマ原人 パルミラ通りの新しい風景を作り出している居酒屋の中に、グリルバーベキューと独特のインテリアが印象的なパナマ原人。 店内のグリルに焼けていく肉の匂いと陳列されているビールカップが、訪れる人々に幸せな一杯の時間を作ってくれる。 Panama Genjin, has an impressive barbecue and unique interior design among Izakaya, which is creating a new landscape of the streets of Parumira. The smell of meat cooking on the grill in the store and the beer cups on display make a happy drink time for the guest. 파루미라 거리의 새로운 풍경을 만들어.. more
お食事処 巨鍋 墓場につながる路地に位置する沖縄料理の食堂。 最初は"こんなところに食堂があったのか"とびっくりしたが、食堂に入ってお昼を食べて周りを見ると、本当に多くの常連客が食事をしに訪れるところだった。 食器棚の古いものを見ても、年季を感じる古い食堂であることがわかる。 やはり沖縄の食堂風景は多様な感性を呼び起こす。 Okinawa restaurant located in an alleyway leading to the graveyard. At first, I was surprised that there was a restaurant like this, but after having lunch, it was a place where so many regular customers came to eat. The old stuff in the cupbo.. more
コザ工芸館「新作展」 ここを訪ねて作品を見ると当然きれいに見えて素敵に見えるが、そんな魅力を伝えるために職人の時間と汗を流して真心を込めて作られた素晴らしい作品が集まっているここは、ある意味ではコザの宝物が集まっているような感じがする。 Although it may seem pretty and cool to look at, this place is somehow like a collection of Koza's treasures, where the craftsmen's time and sweat have put their hands together to convey that charm. 보기에는 그냥 이쁘게 보이고 멋지게 보일지라도 그런 매력을 전달하기 위해 장인들의 시간과 땀을 흘려 정성스럽게 만들어진 멋진 작품들이 한자리에 모여져 있는 이곳은 .. more
かくれんぼ かくれんぼという店名がよく似合う場所。 ここはアーケード商店街に位置し、早い時間からまちの人々が隠れん坊をするように集まってお酒を飲みながら人生を過ごす素敵な場所。 壁一面に貼りされている美味しいメニューと安いお酒に思う存分酔える魅力的な場所。 A well-suited place for the shop's name of hide-and-seek It is located in Arcade shopping district, and it is a wonderful place for locals to gather and drink and share their lives from the early hours. It's a charming place where you can get a lot of delicious dishes and ch.. more
越来城水辺公園 静かな公園を歩いていると見える風景がとても平和に感じられる。 一方、美しい公園だけど、もう少しきれいに整備されれば良かったと思う。 Walking through a quiet park, the scenery seems so peaceful. On the other hand, it is a beautiful park, but I think it would be nice if it was cleaned up a little bit. 한적한 공원을 걷고있으니 보여지는 풍경이 너무나도 평화롭게 느껴진다. 한편, 아름다운 공원이지만 조금더 깨끗하게 정비되면 좋았을걸 이라고 생각이 든다. 漫步在幽靜的公園裏, 所見所聞的風景顯得異常寧靜。我想雖然是美麗的公園, 但是如果能再乾淨一點就好了。by KozaWalker more